talk to me so you can see what’s goin’ on...
Marvin Gaye
...back in Philly in a totally Marvin Gaye state of mind...not tragic coked-up, shot-by-his-own-dad Marvin Gaye...mellow, spiritual, socially conscious What’s Going On Marvin Gaye...if at all possible, you should listen to that album while reading this post...as I am while writing it...flying high in the friendly skies, never leaving the ground...
...I’m a lot poorer...financially...than before leaving for the ol’ yoga retreat en Mexico thingy...couldn’t really afford it in the first place, and then the passport fiasco ultimately cost me...never mind...plus, my ipod pretty much got wiped by an inopportune wave as I wandered along through the sand listening to the Harder They Come soundtrack...trying yet again to see how close to Guatemala I could get...miles and miles of walking showing nothing ahead but long green coastline...but, in the end, that’s okay...I may not have turned into a Floating Glowing Being of Pure Love...but I’m alright...
...and aaaaaall he asks of us is that we give each other love...one thing not said enough among those doing sun salutations in tropical paradises like Tulum is that, rustic as thatch-roofed cabanas and pipes that can’t handle toilet paper might seem, these paradises tend to be located in the third world, where such adventures-in-living-simply represent levels of luxury most of the locals couldn’t imagine...except from the perspective of service labor....when pondering how much to tip, it might be a good idea to repeat to oneself the following mantra: this hardworking person probably makes less in a year than I’m paying for this week-long vacation...
...what’s happenin’ brother?...much as I love to complain...and I truly do...the truth is that I live an amazingly charmed life...and it’s important to remember that...namaste...right on, feel it...