Summertime, and the livin' is easy...
Dubose Heyward
...anybody can get an ulcer working sixteen hour days on Wall Street...it take real skill to get one without doing much at all...been reading books by people like Chogyam Trungpa and Jon Kabat-Zinn...all about non-doing...which sounds good to me...though, despite all the time I’ve spent being lazy and not gettin' shit done, have never been too good at it...
...Kabat-Zinn says non-doing can arise within action as well as in stillness. The inward stillness of the doer merges with the outward activity to the extent that the action does itself...I tend to do the opposite...outer stillness merging with inward turmoil...which really doesn’t work out so well...so now I’m trying to meditate every morning...pre-coffee...and it’s been workin’ out...kinda...so far...wish me luck...
...right now sittin' on the front porch swing...we're finally getting some real heat this summer, though there's a nice intermittent breeze, at least...sweating and typing and listening to Summertime performed by Big Brother and the Holding Company (featuring Janis Joplin), Chet Baker, Herbie Hancock (featuring Joni Mitchell), John Coltrane, Miles Davis/Gil Evans, and Billie Holiday & Her Orchestra, as well as both live and studio versions of Summertime Blues by the Who, In the Summertime by Bob Dylan and Summertime Rolls by Jane’s Addiction...
...supposed to be getting work done, actually...but this weather makes me feel lazy...or, at least, that’s my excuse, today...
...been writing fewer blog posts lately...but that’s okay...couple months ago almost quit...wrote a rough draft of the final Yoga for Cynics post...had been putting an awful lot of time and effort into forcing myself to get one out at least every other day, only to look back at some really good earlier posts and think the blog was starting to suck...not to mention obsessing about blog stats that didn’t seem to go up no matter what I did...
...in the end, decided to quit checking stats and only write new posts when I feel inspired...or just happen to feel like it...or, like today, am too lazy to do anything else...and it's a lot better this way...
O, yeah. Your words about blogging ring true. I'm so glad that you didn't publish that final post, and instead found a more balanced approach.
I'm going to adopt your meditating-first-thing idea.
That's how I post. I've got enough work to do without making blogging work too.
I just read a similar post by another blogger I like ~ it's in the summertime air.
There's this phrase floating around ... "obligation free blogging." I like the idea. Come and go as the mood strikes you.
I notice a disturbing trend in blogs I like: either they get all pompous and righteous, in some horrible misshapen attempt to "get serious and get readers" or they shut down.
I forbid you to do either. I would like to be able to come here and laugh and think, both at once. I DO allow you to write a sucky post from time to time, as long as it is not pompous or self righteous ;)
And hey, I've got an in with Kali, so you oughta listen to me :)
I definitely think things are better off that way. Well, I keep reading. Don't change a thing, but don't quit either.
Sounds like Kabat-Zinn describes Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow".
Blame it on the summer. LOL!
It sounds to me that you are into the slum of dolce far niente :)
You need to put some excitement into your daily routine.
A change of scenery, a change of course, new plans, new dreams, new clothes, anything to break the routine.
Yep, the heat is finally here, too, drjay. I love porch swings and imagine that along with a breeze, it helps somewhat. I get the lazy thing as well as the "inward turmoil"...am having a hard time getting out of my own way...
Janis Joplin's Summertime is the best, although there's a 60's instrumental rendition out there that brings back kinda not-so-good memories...
Oooh, that there's a final YFC post floatin' around is kinda alarming...I hope it remains dormant!
Yeah, summer is not conducive to blogging. I'm in a similar state of dormancy, and I love it. Inspired and infrequent posts are better than regular and forced.
Who cares about blog stats, anyway? If it really matters, read this: http://www.dailyblogtips.com/increase-blog-traffic/ If you're willing to commit 2.5 hours a day, maybe you'll see traffic increase, but seriously, who has that kind of time? Especially when there are porch swings that need sittin' on...
I can totally relate to the outer stillness with frenetic innards! you're right, it doesn't work too well, but i'm sure a little time with your practice will do the trick, especially with your new approach to blogging - one less stressor. I never understood the stat watching, unless a blog is also one's financial resource - is it your business?! A natural flow to your pace and approach sounds not only less stressful, but freeing and I imagine will be more satisfying to your creative voice. BTW, i've been enjoying your recent posts :)
happy meditating and blogging -
when ever!
One of these days i am going to get off the porch swing and do something other than nothing which is what i do. Nothing but when you think on it...that really is something.
I'm glad you didn't quit! That would have sucked big time.
Stats can drive you crazy. It seems they never match the effort you put in.
Great post, as always.
Your summer sounds lazy and hazy ... just as a summer should be. Enjoy. Blogging without obligation is essential.
Hi Jay,
I think most of us get burned out from time to time. You may recall, I wrote a 'Writer Blogck' post a while back. I am glad you didn't take YFC down--as I truly do enjoy coming here. I think most of us have to find that balance where blogging remains fun-and not a chore.
The heat is on in Boston as well--I love the steamy summer days and don't mind being hot. I will look bad on these hot days with longing when the brutal Northeast winter reappears (all too soon).
Take care,
I hope you don't stop blogging! I realy enjoy reading your blog and would miss you. Don't put too much pressure on yourself or on the numbers. Numbers are overrated.
You couldn't just up and stop writing while I had my back turned could you? Nooooo!
That whole blog stats thing and how it affects the way you see your blog is weird. I was smug as hell for about a year cause I knew I hadn't got addicted to looking at them, and then it happened - suddenly I'm checking them every day and eating my heart out cause I know I don't have the time to keep on the writing treadmill, and that is just NUTS.
This whole post rings so true to me, especially as I haven't meditated for months now and I wonder why I'm tying myself in knots. Sigh. Anyhow, glad you didn't stop writing, and I hope you're getting the writing for fun mojo back!
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