When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Hunter S. Thompson
...I think we can ride out the weirdness of it all, said my friend...I’ve been riding out weirdness all my life, I replied...
...try to find an essential balance between thinking things through and getting through thinking...don’t know how an exception can ever actually prove a rule...but guess that, if you really need your rules proven, almost anything can be made to work...may have been out sick the day they taught the standard rules of living within my social and historical context...most don’t make sense to me no matter how meticulously they’re explained...and, almost invariably, by the time I know I’m breaking them they’ve already become habits...
...I don’t understand most of the acronyms people use on the internet...always assume everybody else does, but could be wrong...perhaps everybody’s just been popping klytukl and snzitpui into all their emails, updates, texts, and tweets because that’s what everybody else is doing...not wanting to feel left out...just assuming everybody else knows what they’re talking about...which may be how language started in the first place...maybe everybody just kept coming up with their own words and misunderstanding one another until somehow all the misunderstandings became accepted as truths...and that’s how we got to where we are now...
Nothing is more natural to drunkards than ellipses, for they are the zig-zags of language.
Victor Hugo
....have never really understood the difference between creative writing and writing...got ideas without words, and words without ideas...got friends with dogs, and dogs with friends...got an aquarium full of fish that can swim like Michael Phelps...got body parts that speak abstract poetry I don’t understand...and the reverse seems to be true, as well...am concerned sometimes that people won’t understand what I write, and, other times, that they understand too much...
You know it’s gonna get stranger, so let’s get on with the show...
John Perry Barlow
*for whatever it’s worth, have been writing slightly less strange stuff at Elephant Journal, about gay marriage, world music, Humphrey Bogart doing yoga, and other stuff...
...I think we can ride out the weirdness of it all, said my friend...I’ve been riding out weirdness all my life, I replied...
...try to find an essential balance between thinking things through and getting through thinking...don’t know how an exception can ever actually prove a rule...but guess that, if you really need your rules proven, almost anything can be made to work...may have been out sick the day they taught the standard rules of living within my social and historical context...most don’t make sense to me no matter how meticulously they’re explained...and, almost invariably, by the time I know I’m breaking them they’ve already become habits...
...I don’t understand most of the acronyms people use on the internet...always assume everybody else does, but could be wrong...perhaps everybody’s just been popping klytukl and snzitpui into all their emails, updates, texts, and tweets because that’s what everybody else is doing...not wanting to feel left out...just assuming everybody else knows what they’re talking about...which may be how language started in the first place...maybe everybody just kept coming up with their own words and misunderstanding one another until somehow all the misunderstandings became accepted as truths...and that’s how we got to where we are now...
Nothing is more natural to drunkards than ellipses, for they are the zig-zags of language.
Victor Hugo
....have never really understood the difference between creative writing and writing...got ideas without words, and words without ideas...got friends with dogs, and dogs with friends...got an aquarium full of fish that can swim like Michael Phelps...got body parts that speak abstract poetry I don’t understand...and the reverse seems to be true, as well...am concerned sometimes that people won’t understand what I write, and, other times, that they understand too much...
You know it’s gonna get stranger, so let’s get on with the show...
John Perry Barlow
*for whatever it’s worth, have been writing slightly less strange stuff at Elephant Journal, about gay marriage, world music, Humphrey Bogart doing yoga, and other stuff...
First of all, I think weird is the best. Weird is truth IMHO (I *think* I know what that means...). And I love the section about 'creative writing and writing': yeah!
"body parts that speak abstract poetry"
Onward, weirdness.
...by the time I know I’m breaking them they’ve already become habits... heh heh
I think I've ranted before about the first time I saw LOL in an email...I asked someone (not the sender) what the hell that was. And, considering who the sender was, I've stayed away from most of 'em. My own little protest...of what exactly, I'm not sure. How's that for weird?
Great post, drjay...I'm looking forward to Weirdness Meditation #2.
Beautiful ocean pic!
Reminds me of:
I like your stream-of-consciousness thing.
Rules aren't supposed to make sense, you're just supposed to follow them. Once you realize that, they start to make perfect sense and you stop following them.
I have to say, I've lived quite a weird life. Fortunately I've embraced it. :)
"try to find an essential balance between thinking things through and getting through thinking" ...this pretty much wraps up weird mind existence. I enjoy your creative writing/writing when I think I understand you and when I don't. Thanks for dropping by my blog the othe other day and the story you shared.
Great post! I admit, I don't really go for being weird but when you have a weird personality, I guess, one should just embrace it and not just be weird for the sake of being weird since it will make you look rebellious.
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