Monday, July 25, 2011

Yamas, Niyamas, and the Way It Usually Goes... (Running Into Mirrors, Part Two)

...went to dog-sit for some friends and found they’d left a bottle of Pinot Noir and two-thirds of a fresh-baked chocolate cake on the kitchen counter....some time later, sitting at the beginning of yoga class, it occurred to me that this might be a perfect yogic opportunity for an exercise in the yamas and niyamas*...particularly, santosha**, aparigraha***, and tapas****...

...but, alas, by that point, it was already too late...

* ethical restraints and practices...(you learn about this stuff in yoga teacher training)...
** contentment
*** non-attachment
**** self-discipline...not to be confused with those trendy bars whose attraction seems to be that you get to spend more money for less food...though, now that I think of it, there may be some relation...


Brooks Hall said...

Carpe diem!

earthtoholly said... sounds like someone needed to Jay-sit.

As I just baked a chocolate cake last night for W's b'day, I understand a lack of self-discipline, followed by contentment, but that's probably not the context of the yoga teachin's. I would be an awful student. :o/

Cirze said...


Just another way of reaching Nirvana?

Om Namah Shivaya.



Lydia said...

Ah! A yogic glossary, something I need, although I need to get back into my yoga practice a lot more. What's wrong with me, DrJ? Why do I do this to myself, end each day with wondering if I will do yoga the next day? Should I order some of this stuff and see if it resets my blissometer?

Jodi Pharo said...

it was so simple during teacher training -- a whole 'nother thing out in the real world.

Kim said...

They left it for it'd be unethical not to partake.

Laura said...

chocolate cake and pinot noir...hard decisions must be made.