Sunday, January 29, 2012

Livin' In Your Own Private Apocalypse

When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.
Haruki Murakami

…2012 less than a month old, I’m starting to suspect the Mayans may’ve been right...but, apparently, they were just talking about me…

…have written up a couple of different versions of a post with this title...(apologies to the B-52's as well as John the Revelator)…decided the first was too dark, personal, and downright depressing…so, a week or so later, re-did it…before rapidly deciding the second version was also too dark, personal, and downright depressing…

…so, perhaps, it’s just as well my hard drive went kablooey earlier this afternoon...after yin yoga class and the Sunday morning meditation group....taking with it those attempted posts and some personal writing too miserable to even be considered for this merry-if-sometimes-mildly-sardonic blog...if not the thoughts and feelings that inspired them, though it does feel just a bit like an expensive and unexpected cleaning of the slate...along with, apart from some handwritten notes, most of the work done on a project I was hoping to complete this weekend, which I’m gonna be really busy re-doing for the next couple days...which, at least, makes me a bit grateful I haven’t been all that productive in the past few weeks since last backing up files...

...even seasonal depression, apparently, has its uses...keeping the best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men well as providing an excuse to support my local Girl Scouts and scarf down an entire box of Thin Mints...

...and, who knows...maybe we could all use a little apocalypse now and then...


the walking man said...

I can get with that personal apocalypse thing. I mean after having caused some for others and lived through some of my own...whats to worry about the Mayan and Hopi calendars?

Kim said...

I've heard that the 2012 Mayan calendar thing isn't really about endings, but beginnings that we can't understand. Maybe that's what this personal apocalypse means to you.

bereweber said...

without apocalypses aren't re-births right? LOVE the Gustavo Doré illustration of Dante's and the Murakami quote, he's one of my preferred writers, Murakami that is, Dante is just too demonic for me heh heh, and yes Dr. Jay live up to the winter, there will be sun shinning, birds chirping, flowers blooming this spring, all for your eyes and ears

some eWarmth from California to you

Lydia said...

Little being the operative word. It sounds like yours was Little-Plus. Seasonal depression is an absolute bummer. I have been lost in it myself. In fact, yesterday the sun came out and flooded the closet area where all the X-mas stuff-in-paper-bags-needing-to-be-packaged-in-their-appropriate-boxes were stashed. And I had the drive to move through the mess and get the job done.

We gotta go easy on ourselves when we feel SAD.

I am craving Thin Mints and hope to heck those girls are at our local market where they sit annually. Didn't know the time had come 'round, and thinking it has makes the day all better. :)

Amy Whelan said...

"...and, who knows...maybe we could all use a little apocalypse now and then..."
Love this! Seems my apocalypes have decided to gang up on me all at once. I'll resurface smooth and shiny!

Daisy Deadhead said...

Awesome graphic/art, or whatever that is, nice.