Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Coffee Yoga, Coffee Zen

...not, generally, a morning person, woke and decided to head for the yoga mat...though, as usual, the option of sitting in the Ikea chair, crankin’ up the interwebs, and drinking coffee beckoned, as well...especially the coffee part...

...ever the non-traditional yogi...(though continuing to insist that, if they’d had it in India, at the time, the first yoga sutra would have been preceded by first, some coffee)...wondered if the two might somehow be incorporated...

...lately, been working on sustaining sitting poses, particularly full lotus...padmasana, for you Sanskrit nerds...and hero pose...virasana...leaving open the question of just what to do while in those poses for long periods....yeah, I know, meditate...do some pranayama...stretch the neck and shoulders...but, then, sometimes I also like to read a little Walt Whitman or Zen Flesh, Zen Bones...an activity that goes just beautifully with drinking coffee...

...and there, tops of feet on my thighs, almost immediately upon opening Zen Flesh..., in the final, Centering, section, read...

When eating or drinking, become the taste of the food or drink, and be filled.

...so that’s what I did with my coffee....touching on that sacred matrix between aum and yum....(or somethin’ like that)...


the walking man said...

UHH Dear cynical yogi...I believe that once you have spindled, folded and mutilated yourself into a sitting meditative position, especially if you hadn't had your first, second and, third cuppa you spend your time trying to figure out how to un-origami yourself.

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Ah coffee! We had a strange half power outage this morning & was a little nervous that after my 5 minutes virasana with bhastrikabhati there migt not be enough juice for coffee. Thank Shiva, he powered up the wattage & coffee I had.