Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bruce Springsteen's Shrink and the Overused Metaphor of the Lotus Flower

...was readin’ this New Yorker article about Bruce usual with magazines, I read somebody else's copy, months after the fact....Ezra Pound said that literature is news that stays news...and, though old Ezra probably wouldn’t have thought so, the same might be said for the occasional magazine article about a rock star...(though probably not even the occasional blog post about a magazine article about a rock star)....anyway...

...apparently, back in the early 80’s, Bruce was suffering from serious depression...leading to some odd behavior...

For years, he would drive at night past his parents’ old house in Freehold, sometimes three or four times a week. In 1982, he started seeing a psychotherapist. At a concert years later, Springsteen introduced his song “My Father’s House” by recalling what the therapist had told him about those nighttime trips to Freehold: “He said, ‘what you’re doing is that something bad happened, and you’re going back, thinking that you can make it right again. Something went wrong, and you keep going back to see if you can fix it or somehow make it right.’ And I sat there and I said, ‘That is what I’m doing.’ And he said, ‘Well, you can’t.’”

...thinking about this, some of my own odd behavior makes a lot more if Bruce Springsteen’s shrink did more for me than some mental health professionals who’ve taken outrageous amounts of my time and money...

History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.
James Joyce

Lost but not forgotten from the dark heart of a dream...
Bruce Springsteen, Adam Raised a Cain of the most overused metaphors in the yoga world...where overusing metaphors is practically its own the lotus flower blooming from the muck...but, when muck is what ya got, there are really only two choices...stay down and wallow, or rise up...


the walking man said...

From what you have written here cynical yogi is the only regret you should have is the time and money you wasted on therapy and shrinks. jaysus You have to know by now there is no changing the past but only rising above it and blossoming as a lotus. I personally prefer the white but the purple lotus is nice too.

On the other hand the muck ain't so bad either as long as you know how to survive today in that shit.

SSIS said...

yoga is really a good alternative of medication...

WR said...

Most of us wallow in the muck of the past from time to time. Ain't it grand to have moment of insight. Letting go of what we can not change may just be the beginning of bliss. The loss of those burdensome weights makes it so much easier to move forward to the present.