Sunday, February 3, 2013

Return to Hogwarts

...January hit like a giant hunk of ice in the forehead...days of severe lassitude...not much work but that little bit took all day...endlessly seeking minor forms of stimulation, trying and often failing to avoid the ones that make things worse in the long run...

...this morning, dragged myself out early through a brushing of snow, drove five hours north to Kripalu, for the first time since the yoga teacher training two years ago...where I'm gonna spend the week in a meditation retreat with Jack Kornfield...Meditation for Freedom and Compassion Everywhere...(should definitely work better than meditating to right-wing talk radio to teach myself to be less line with my reverse-Boddhisattva vow not to attain full enlightenment until all sentient beings in the universe are as miserable as I am)...(just kidding)...

...hugged some old friends, mindfully chowed down the healthiest lunch I've had in a long time, took a walk in the woods, went to yoga class, had the healthiest dinner I've had in a long time, went to the first meditation retreat session...where they urged me to turn off the electronic devices and be silent for the week...oops...felt like I had a minor yet satisfying psychedelic experience, took a walk down to the beach in the dark to look at the stars while listening to Miles Davis In a Silent Way on the purple ipod...oops, again...maybe gotta wean myself a bit..., it's almost 11:00 and I got yoga class to go to at 6:15 in the morning...oh yeah...


Bob Weisenberg said...

Having spent a little time at Kripalu myself, I can relate to the atmosphere you describe here. Sounds like the timing is just right for you just now. Looking forward to hearing how the week turns out.


Lydia said...

Sounds just like what I might need, the sounds of In a Silent Way! (and the retreat sounds marvelous to me too)

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cheap jerseys from china said...

LOL What a fight between yoga class and sleepy.

Unknown said...

Great source of information!