...one way to see how mindful you can be is to bike to yoga class in a cold winter rainstorm...then try to get through the class without thinking constantly about how much it’s gonna suck to put your soaking wet socks and sneakers back on for the ride home...
Ancient and Revered Yoga Cynic Sutra 15:357
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli
Death is the mother of beauty.
Wallace Stevens
...truth and beauty are a couple of heartless, ungrateful bastards who can’t be troubled to send so much as a lousy Mother’s Day card to silence and death...
Ancient and Revered Yoga Cynic Sutra 643:278
The universe is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we can think.
a Hubble scientist, quoted by Barbara Crooker
...all is impermanent...except perhaps for that lingering scent of fish in the microwave...
Ancient and Revered Yoga Cynic Sutra 316:239
...it's better to give than to receive...but both beat the hell outta having to go Christmas shopping...
Swami Yoganandasutkatasanatikkamasalakaliyugaroseannadanna (author of much maligned 19th Century commentary on Ancient and Revered Yoga Cynic Sutra 316:239)
Life is both dreadful and wonderful.
Thich Nhat Hanh
As a fellow blogger - I feel your pain.
I am trying not to write to please my imaginary readers but to let my muse free.
I keep telling myself - stop trying, stop trying for God's sake!
kinda saying "do not think of the pink elephant"
So I got a really good laugh reading your post :)))
I'm still amazed that people like you work that hard for this little.
So I will say thank you for your wonderful work!
I wrote you a wonderful comment and it just went away :((( - lost -
IMO you should turn the comment moderation off - pretty much is a waste of time for both you and us :)))
Great post! I don't know how you do it but you keep on doing it!
Well, it did not get lost after all :)))
I see it is waiting moderation.
My bad :)))
yep- Dr Jay, I think it's time you write your own sacred Sutras....
and copy right them, and sell them. for LOTS of moneys.
Hilarious - thanks!
Great Yoga Cynic Sutra... I hope they keep coming, and THAT is a tough one! wet socks... oh dear!
(word verification is" wineawei". Nobody likes a smart ass word verification.)
The Revered Cynical Study of Yoga yields fruit! Those are some awe-some connections you have made, oh Revered One, Dr. Jay!
"...truth and beauty are a couple of heartless, ungrateful bastards who can’t be troubled to send so much as a lousy Mother’s Day card to silence and death...
Ancient and Revered Yoga Cynic Sutra 643:278"
I guess that's because they don't have to! Truth and Beauty don't have anything to apologise for... They are free to just be.
Oh, it's official, I have a yoga-blog-crush on you now!
Cynicism-but sublime cynicism. And that makes all the difference.
(Great title for your collection of sutras: Sublime Cynicism.)
i practise asthanga yoga, start to draw and post on blog, i like your post
Hey! What do you really have against Truth and Beauty? Those are two of my faverite qualities, although I admit that without Freedom and Joy they are a little austere. Take care Bro.
O Ancient and Revered One,
Not to worry: Truth and Beauty have no mothers.
Looking forward to more timeless and cynical sutras!
Very entertaining. And what a wonderful following you have!
Bob Weisenberg
Bwah ha! Some really good ones in there. ;)
I'm likin' these Yoga Cynic Sutras, drjay, especially ...all is impermanent...except perhaps for that lingering scent of fish in the microwave... heh.
And Thich Nhat Hanh is right on, as I've recently discovered.
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