Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Mary Oliver
It's been rough and rocky travelin', but I'm finally standin' upright on the ground.
After takin' several readings, I'm surprised to find my mind`s still fairly sound...
Willie Nelson
...the bike had been feeling a little strange...I figured something must be loose, but couldn't tell exactly what it was, so thought I’d take it to the bike shop the next day....then, suddenly, while crossing Broad Street, everything kinda lurched...I stopped and saw the frame looked like it had been run over by a truck...broken nearly in half...
...a week and a half later, was riding a different bike...borrowed from a kind and generous friend...through the park, and my wallet fell out of my pocket...though I didn't realize that 'til a couple miles later...turned around to ride up and down that stretch searching under every leaf, but couldn't find it anywhere...
...as if that wasn't enough, the very next day, a car sideswiped me from behind as I rode along the Spruce Street bike lane...
...the frame, as it turned out, was covered by a manufacturer’s warranty...and, since the company didn’t have that model, or an equivalent one, in stock...and, though I rode that bike hard for two years...(seriously...I’m the kinda person bikes’ parents warn them about)...the always helpful guy who runs my local bike shop got them to send me a brand new one...
...and, after riding up and down that two mile stretch of dirt road three or four times, my cell phone rang...I thought please be an unfamiliar number...and it was...turned out the caller was biking along and saw cash all over the ground...picking everything up, he tried to give it to a cop nearby, who said he’d have to put it into evidence and most likely it’d never be seen again...so, the guy went home and googled me for my number...even returned my change...
...the next day, I was pissed off but unhurt picking myself up from the sidewalk...but the woman in the car was crying, saying I’m so sorry over and over to the point that I ended up consoling her....I got a couple scratches, she’s probably gonna need therapy...(though, considering she hit a cyclist in a bike lane, she can be thankful no cops or personal injury lawyers got involved)...
It’s always something—if it’s not one thing, it’s another...
Roseanne Roseannadanna
You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
Willie Nelson
...the bike had been feeling a little strange...I figured something must be loose, but couldn't tell exactly what it was, so thought I’d take it to the bike shop the next day....then, suddenly, while crossing Broad Street, everything kinda lurched...I stopped and saw the frame looked like it had been run over by a truck...broken nearly in half...
...a week and a half later, was riding a different bike...borrowed from a kind and generous friend...through the park, and my wallet fell out of my pocket...though I didn't realize that 'til a couple miles later...turned around to ride up and down that stretch searching under every leaf, but couldn't find it anywhere...
...as if that wasn't enough, the very next day, a car sideswiped me from behind as I rode along the Spruce Street bike lane...
...the frame, as it turned out, was covered by a manufacturer’s warranty...and, since the company didn’t have that model, or an equivalent one, in stock...and, though I rode that bike hard for two years...(seriously...I’m the kinda person bikes’ parents warn them about)...the always helpful guy who runs my local bike shop got them to send me a brand new one...
...and, after riding up and down that two mile stretch of dirt road three or four times, my cell phone rang...I thought please be an unfamiliar number...and it was...turned out the caller was biking along and saw cash all over the ground...picking everything up, he tried to give it to a cop nearby, who said he’d have to put it into evidence and most likely it’d never be seen again...so, the guy went home and googled me for my number...even returned my change...
...the next day, I was pissed off but unhurt picking myself up from the sidewalk...but the woman in the car was crying, saying I’m so sorry over and over to the point that I ended up consoling her....I got a couple scratches, she’s probably gonna need therapy...(though, considering she hit a cyclist in a bike lane, she can be thankful no cops or personal injury lawyers got involved)...
It’s always something—if it’s not one thing, it’s another...
Roseanne Roseannadanna
You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
attributed to Swami Satchidinanda
...in a blog with yoga in the title, this is where you might expect words like karma, grace, or blessings...and wouldn’cha know it, there they are....but I believe in the great mystery of the universe in a very literal sense...i.e. have no idea what’s going on, and try not to pretend otherwise...(though, in the end, suspect it's best to try to be honest and kind)...
...hope you’re doin’ okay, too...
...in a blog with yoga in the title, this is where you might expect words like karma, grace, or blessings...and wouldn’cha know it, there they are....but I believe in the great mystery of the universe in a very literal sense...i.e. have no idea what’s going on, and try not to pretend otherwise...(though, in the end, suspect it's best to try to be honest and kind)...
...hope you’re doin’ okay, too...