...couple posts ago, made some joking remarks about yoga teachers...specifically involving stuff like the inaudibly soft, ultra-spiritual yoga teacher voice....and, as a long-time believer that, if it’s worth saying at all, it’s worth beating into the ground, have been repeating said jokes all over the place....to the point that I think I may be giving some of my (amazing, wonderful, beloved) teachers complexes.....so, to any who might be reading this, let me make it clear...the jokes aren’t about you..........they’re about those high-falutin’ yoga teachers who write for Elephant Journal...
........just kidding, people...jeezus, aren’t you all supposed to have transcended your egos by now?...
...seriously, I've been going to Facebook lately and finding I'm in demand as a yogi...really...my yoga teacher friends are sending me personal requests to go to their classes...including one that’s supposed to be videotaped for some kind anusara certification or something...(and not, I’ve been assured for World’s Funniest Yoga Bloopers on youtube)...
...not that this is interfering with my totally enlightened egoless state or anything, but it does raise all kindsa pertinent questions...like...could such desirability indicate that the mere presence of the friendly neighborhood yoga cynic now carries such cachet as to confer status and set the yoga world buzzing?...kinda like the way Paris Hilton, I read some time ago, was getting paid fifty thousand bucks just to show up at parties?...could I be the Paris Hilton of yoga?...
...(y’know, like, except for the fifty grand part...but I’m workin’ on that...see below)...
...for all you yoga teachers out there...
You can have ****ME**** doing sun salutations in your very own yoga class!
* Wearing a (mostly) clean t-shirt!
* Large shorts revealing nothing anybody doesn’t wanna see!
* No snoring in savasana, inappropriate groaning during forward bends, or rolling eyeballs if you start going on about your guru!
* Providing the low end, often badly needed in today’s predominantly female yoga classes, on OM! (Or, if you prefer, AUM)!
Just $49,999.99* if you act now!
* additional discounts negotiable**
** seriously, we’ll take anything...
Art is anything you can get away with.
Marshall McLuhan
........just kidding, people...jeezus, aren’t you all supposed to have transcended your egos by now?...
...seriously, I've been going to Facebook lately and finding I'm in demand as a yogi...really...my yoga teacher friends are sending me personal requests to go to their classes...including one that’s supposed to be videotaped for some kind anusara certification or something...(and not, I’ve been assured for World’s Funniest Yoga Bloopers on youtube)...
...not that this is interfering with my totally enlightened egoless state or anything, but it does raise all kindsa pertinent questions...like...could such desirability indicate that the mere presence of the friendly neighborhood yoga cynic now carries such cachet as to confer status and set the yoga world buzzing?...kinda like the way Paris Hilton, I read some time ago, was getting paid fifty thousand bucks just to show up at parties?...could I be the Paris Hilton of yoga?...
...(y’know, like, except for the fifty grand part...but I’m workin’ on that...see below)...
...for all you yoga teachers out there...
You can have ****ME**** doing sun salutations in your very own yoga class!
* Wearing a (mostly) clean t-shirt!
* Large shorts revealing nothing anybody doesn’t wanna see!
* No snoring in savasana, inappropriate groaning during forward bends, or rolling eyeballs if you start going on about your guru!
* Providing the low end, often badly needed in today’s predominantly female yoga classes, on OM! (Or, if you prefer, AUM)!
Just $49,999.99* if you act now!
* additional discounts negotiable**
** seriously, we’ll take anything...
Art is anything you can get away with.
Marshall McLuhan