...in a dream was staying in a strange hotel and couldn’t find my room...went looking for it and realized I’d lost the floor it was on, too...then couldn’t even find the hotel....woke to find the world outside the window one big melted Slurpee...grey flavored...getting anywhere unscathed near impossible...
My business is words. Words are like labels,
or coins, or better, like swarming bees.
Anne Sexton, Said the Poet to the Analyst
...the only time I like to write by hand is when it’s really deep, go-for-broke personal stuff...so illegible even I can’t read it....when younger, wrote because I had nobody to talk to...nobody I trusted, at least...now sometimes think what I write's brilliant, but never fail to be amazed when anybody likes it...now working with a new computer keyboard just subtly different from the last...an inch or two smaller, maybe...my most passionate prose coming out ;o=lr ‘-ae...
Your business is watching my words. But I
admit nothing….
Anne Sexton, Said the Poet to the Analyst…
...Allen Ginsberg, when he was young, wrote poetry for his father...later, wrote something he had no intention of getting published, because he’d never want his father to read it...and that, apparently, allowed him to Howl…
Mind is the sole source of bondage or liberation.
Maitri Upanishad
...a rehab client who a week before checked and double checked to make sure she’d passed my reading comprehension test so she wouldn’t have to work with me said she really wanted to talk to me about doing some writing because she was going nuts in there...I said writing to keep from going nuts is what I’m all about...
Your dream reminds me of a time when I was out of town and drunk in a strange city. {;-]}
aye the chains and fetters we so easily take on our selves are not so easily released once we accept them in our mind.
I have that hotel dream to except I end up in a huge mall looking for the makeup counters.
great post Jay. Don't know what else to say, but thanks,
I dreamt that my bunny (no longer among the living) looked up at me, alive in the dream and clearly wanting something, and said "woof". It was an excited breathy bark, like saying, "come on" or "look here."
Disturbing dreams Dr Jay. Maybe a message for you in there?
Me too, Jay, me too.
Might not be a better last line ever written, at least by anyone trying to not go nuts.
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