Walt Whitman
...some years ago was teaching this advanced-level college writing class...the head of the department said nobody was really sure what the course was supposed to be, and they were planning on discontinuing it after that year...which meant, basically, I could do whatever I wanted with it...
...I encouraged the students to write in unconventional ways...about whatever they felt like...which, for many of them, turned out to be stuff that was highly personal...sometimes shockingly so...
...one wrote about her relationship with her boyfriend...specifically their sex life...I don’t remember the details, though apparently something in her boyfriend’s behavior, as she described it, was so revolting it inspired me to write this guy sounds like an asshole in the margin...which was incredibly unprofessional, not to mention rude, so I promptly scribbled it out...
...my rule, when taking back a comment on a student paper, is to obliterate it...leave nothing but a black smudge...but, this time, apparently, it remained legible...
...not that I was aware of that, at the time...in fact, forgot all about the paper, and the student, until a year or so later when, in a different town, teaching at a different school, I got a letter with her name at the top of the return address...figured she was probably looking for a recommendation...
...opened the envelope to find a card with a Stieglitz photo and a Whitman quote...see above...
...along with a completely unexpected litany of thank you’s...for some reason, she said, she’d felt comfortable writing about her experience in my class...and, in the process of writing, and reading my asshole remark, along with whatever else I wrote (which I don’t remember at all), came to realize she was in an abusive relationship...which led to her getting out of it...
...she said I’d made a difference with her...and her letter made quite a difference with me...
...and yet, when I consciously try to change the world, very little seems to come of it...
...so...do you think it's possible to practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty by calling somebody an asshole?