...always thought the letter Q was misplaced in the alphabet...that it should be back at the end with X, Y, and Z...the other weird letters...which may appear to be very small minded of me...or maybe Q just looks lonely...
...people get into the yoga thing for lots of different reasons...ranging from wanting a firm ass to wanting to be a bodhisattva...then, there are also people who want to be bodhisattvas with firm asses...
...sitting quietly...trying to investigate the resistance to sitting quietly...finding it feels an awful lot like sadness...
...one thing you hear a lot from children of the eighties are sentences that begin oh, come on, it was the 80’s—everybody was into ________...said blank filled in with the likes of Bon Jovi, Rambo, acid washed jeans, Full House, the Brat Pack, Flashdance, Phil Collins, Porky’s, drum machines, St. Elmo’s Fire, Ronald Reagan, channeling, Journey, and/or feathered mullets....for the record, I wasn’t...
...often the fear of this unknown moment is greater than that of anything that might be imagined in the future...
...just saw an ad on a bulletin board for someone who can tudor in all subjects...I’m thinking this person might be good for British history...probably not so much for spelling...
I would probably choose a different *tudor*...is that small-minded of me? :)
If you're sitting quietly *with* the resistance, then it isn't really preventing you from sitting quietly, is it?
That Q think is gonna have me up thinking all night now.
I agree, drjay. Q belongs with the alphabetical laggards. Ya know, that was kind of a Steven Wright-like thought there...
I think that greater than my "fear of this unknown moment" is that someday, interchanging homophones will be acceptable...or maybe it already is. Okay, now I'm being small-minded, but the your/you're thing kinda irks.
That person is obviously a "Mock Tudor" specialising in ugly 20th century British architecture. Sheesh Dr Jay I'm horrified at your ignorance!
For the record, I wouldn't have suspected you would have been into that list.
I always thought Q should be in front of U, but it seems that F edged it out.
Oh that is priceless! If you make a mistake will he get medieval on your ass?
Q is a weird one and no mistake - but then language is weird anyway: why isnt phonetic spelled fone-etic?
very cool post
I love that, instead of denying our mistakes of the 80's (glad you didn't have any...) we should just embrace them. Yes, I sure loved those huge bangs and acid washed jeans, thinking about bringing them back:) (seriously though,I will NEVER deny loving John Hughes!)
I'd love to make it onto your blogroll one of these days. ((sighs wistfully))
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
(Wait, I've been married three times, never mind... bad analogy!)
Yoga can give you a tight ass? I'm quitting, no firm backside for me, no way! Now, that tudor thingy though...I could get into that!
For the record, I wasn't either ;->
The 80s sucked for the most part. Lived in the woods during the Reagan charade.
"..sitting quietly...trying to investigate the resistance to sitting quietly...finding it feels an awful lot like sadness.."
Odd I always feel it is like emotionless quietness.
"...one thing you hear a lot from children of the eighties are sentences that begin oh, come on, it was the 80’s..."
There was an 80's? Musta missed those years.
I could teach; tudor spelling, maybe they could: teach me punctuation?
Now that John Hughes has passed away, lots of 80s talk, beginning exactly the way you have described...
(But I admit to liking "The Breakfast Club"!)
*LOL @ "tudoring."* What a world...
I've never even seen "St. Elmo's Fire," & I'm a product of the 80's, too.
Apologies for the lackluster comment...I'm all hopped up on oxycodone. I'll get more lucid in the coming days...hopefully!
I completelly agree with the music, the smiths, the cure, bruce springsteeng, nina hagen, nick cave, peter gabriel, tracy chapman, (you can see I can be pretty eclectic regarding that), then I like a few stuff from the 90, pretty few but some I really love.
Fun post!
"...then, there are also people who want to be bodhisattvas with firm asses..."
That is too funny!
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