the autumnal equinox,
and I just can’t deal
...got done what absolutely had to get done, put everything else off ‘til next week...whether that was wise or not...got in the car after dark and drove east...crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge a little after ten, getting to the ocean some time after midnight...all to wet toes in salt water before sleeping...
alone by the sea
except for that young couple
fucking in the sand
Did you take notice as to whether they had at least a blanket?
That's pretty romantic and sensually evocative for someone masquerading as a cynic! Even your tough-guy swear word at the end can't hide your sensitive nature.
Bob Weisenberg
Somehow I pictured it was being west. I probably haven't been paying attention.
This is a rich post. (Are you okay?) Very evocative and seems to invite analysis. However, I'm going to say what it brought up for me (because the other stuff is probably fantasy and projection):
I can yearn for oblivion, but my earthly nature meets me at the door because I'm not ready yet.
And I see the glimmers of hope in the journey for salty, wet toes, solitude and a young couple!
Also mentioning Walt Whitman calls to mind how well he talked about a full range of experience from transcendence to death.
Even the shape of the text on the page supports the poetry: the long narrow block in between the two islands is like a bridge as it is also talking about a earth bridge between two psychological places.
Sorry... didn't know anyone could see us! ;)
Great post!
ahhhh the old cowgirl in the sand haiku. I love them Jay. Just love them. I tried to find that van gogh painting on line to see where he had painted it but I could not find it. Would you consider emailing me and letting me know? kww124@gmail. . . thanks
nice ending !
I love the structure of this. That big bulky prosaic chunk in the middle. And the ending is perfect. Bitter but not. Yoga for Cynics...in a nutshell.
And what is it about bridges, anyway? The illusion that we're going somewhere, I guess.
My yoga teacher says the Equinox is the time to start finding light in our own inner darkness.
Sounds like a lovely, private adventure. Nice haiku.
Sounds like a good way to start...or end...a season, drjay. ...all to wet toes in salt water before sleeping... I like that. May you find peace alone by the sea...
Not truly alone after all :) Nice haiku.
put everything else off ‘til next week
Sounds like my life these days, Jay...except I have no sea within which to wet my toes. Perhaps the sea makes all the difference?
I recommend a visit here. Ultimately I'd recommend something more physical & "in person," but this is the best I can do from afar...
From reading this I'm getting the feeling that you are feeling a bit down...and being a bit sarcastic about it...but nevertheless you seem down a bit. And it's more than okay...gotta go with our feelings and ride them through..to the other side
At least they were young and not old and fat like the couple on Maui last year. Big white whale sized butts! No!
Is that a haiku? Forgive my ignorance, i can never remember the rules...
lovely poem - and on a difficult day it was good to have a smile at your last stanza!
Hi, Jay.
Please see my reply to your comment on "It's All Yoga, Baby". Dass is a fascinating character. Happy to hear any additional information you have. Thanks.
Excellent poem kind of sordid and sexual. I would just add two sexy snails doing also the dirty stuff.
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