We try to kill time but time ends up killing us.
Jack Fate (Bob Dylan)
...woke from a bad dream, started right off thinking nasty thoughts about myself, mumbled shit shit shit dragging myself out of bed...not the most auspicious start to the day...
...meditated with early Grateful Dead in the background, ate high fiber cereal, and checked e-mail...three comments on the new blog post, one of them spam...also checked the political news...don’t ask...
...headed out for coffee...September making itself known...needed more layers than I have in months...bright out, though...took some pictures of stray flowers growing out of people’s bushes...in two blocks saw two cop cars going by slowly...figured somebody was having a rougher morning than I...
...turned out it was a thief grabbing an i-phone off a woman’s table at the very coffee shop I was heading for...a friend, a marathon runner, was beating himself up for almost but not quite catching the guy, who leaped down a ten foot drop by the railroad tracks....personally, I’m inclined to think that apprehending a criminal with your bare hands is a far better idea on T.V. than in real life...where people get hurt...as such, things really didn’t end so badly...
wow sounds like an exciting morning! I also agree, TV 'heroism' is always more exciting.
ps- I totally think you should organize a "community" yoga group- perhaps even talking to a few teachers about it- yoga in the park even! :)
September sure is making itself known! I am going to wear sweatpants for my run tomorrow morning...
Happy September!
All in all, it sounds like a pretty exciting morning, drjay. And a day that includes Grateful Dead, coffee and a cool September morn can't be all bad.
Also, that's a beautiful rainbow pic there...I'm just supposing that you took that at one of those falls somewhere in Central New York...possibly the same place as your About Me pic...
Ya know, I love reading that people I like from afar also wake up saying "shit shit shit" sometimes. Makes the world seem like a friendlier place to me, makes me feel like maybe it's OK for me to sit in the circle, cause we're really all the same. Exactly why I love blog world. No-one ever walks into work and says this honest stuff ...
And yeah, it's a phone, not a baby! Let it go folks ... tho I once chased a thief much bigger than me, a 5 ft tall woman, because he stole a t-shirt I had bought at a thrift store. You just get mad at the injustice and take off!
Yeah, it looks like the rainbow leads to the outline of two people holding hands and kissing.
i, too, sometimes awaken cussing. did you hear this one, "look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower..."
I woke up thinking, "is this exhaustion or just existential dread?" Couldn't decide so I skipped coffee.
urban life is never dull if you get out in it.
It's hard to tell about things sometimes. I had to click to enlarge that photo to be sure it wasn't the shadows of two people on the other side, one of them peeing a rainbow.
Fall is definitely upon us, Jay--but I like this time of year so much, particularly in New England. I love the crispness of the air and the chilly nights that feel so good with the bedroom window open . . .
I wish your friend HAD found the guy who took the iPhone. Mine got stolen in July and I was so mad (although it didn't happen to coincide nicely with the arrival of the new iPHone 3G-S, which I then was able to purchase without feeling *too* guilty. But I definitely had fantasies of finding the person who stole mine (what makes people think that when they find something that it is THEIRS!--why doesn't it occur to them that if they *found* it--that someone else *lost* it--like me!). Obviously, I am still bitter about the experience! I think I'll go meditate myself to being zen again!
What a difference a day makes?
That photo is amazing. I was sure I was looking at shadows of two people, and was really delighted when I enlarged it. Sometimes things just aren't what you think you see...especially in the morning.
There may be smarter things than risking your life to retrieve an iPhone! My luck would have it that if I caught the guy, he would have been injured in the scuffle and sue me for damages. I need an excuse to replace my crappy phone. Why didn't he steal mine?
I see am man grabbing a woman's butt in the photo but that is probably my sick mind playing tricks on me. Great shot!
Take care my friend and don't waste time beating yourself up. The world will try to do enough of that for you. :)
Sorry for the woman who lost the phone & your friend. An eventful morning, all told.
Last night I dreamt that I accidentally drowned 2 tiger cubs. That makes for a crappy wake up, I tell you...
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