...last wedding I went to was a little over a year ago...two hours and three lengthy dissertations on the proper godly nature of marriage...some people these days think they can redefine marriage, but you can’t redefine marriage, God decreed what marriage is...man on the top, woman—having blown her chance at self-determination in the Garden of Eden—meek and submissive on the bottom...guy behind me let out a deep MMHHH! of spiritual satisfaction every time his inherent mastery over womankind was extolled....and these, I thought, are my relatives...
...this time, just over the bridge from West Mt. Airy, State of Caffeinated Reverie, U.S.A., two young cousins of the bride determined who would read vows first by rock-paper-scissors...and, in a spirited mélange of Quaker meeting and Jewish ritual, journal reading and storytelling, nods to Chagall and classical ballet, and quite a bit of heartfelt creative anarchy, the deed was done....and this, I thought, is where I live now...
Such a Great post. That couple has begun beautifully!
The one with your relatives reminds me of the last wedding we attended, for a former neighbor. Her father, not ordained and not the head honcho that day, was given special time in the middle of the ceremony where he addressed the audience, telling us a dozen times how the man "governs over" his wife. It was horrible, horrible.
The young couple had a child after a year, and divorced soon afterward. She said, "He turned weird," and I thought *duh*. She's now living with her son, and a guy and their daughter together in California. Not married. I love it.
Have you seen this video of the laughing bride?
what a fantastic reaffirmation of love. paired with alcohol! :)
Even though I don't drink alcohol anymore that church service might have led my belly to the bar.
Congrats to the newly married couple!
Marriage is such a touchy subject with some people. Yet, I don't understand why. Didn't that bible say to love everyone?
There isn't enough Southern Comfort on the planet to get me through one of those first ceremonies you mentioned. Sounds like the more recent happy floating couple had a lovely ceremony. Cheers!
(word verif - intox)
I bet you're a riot drunk - ha! I mean, ya know, you're a whole lotta fun sober ... but drunk - now that would be something to witness ;)
Congrats (I guess) to the married couple :) No really - congrats.
Marriage is an outdated institution, but cool parties will never go out of style.
Well that sounds like a hangover worth havin', drjay! What a good time, or at least a lot more fun than most weddings I've been to. Rock-paper-scissors...hee-hee. And I couldn't stop laughing at the wedding from a year ago, as I'd swear that those were some of my relatives too. Some traditions good...some not so.
Yes, long life & happiness to 'em.
I am sorry. I failed to leave the link for the laughing bride.
That punch does sound really good, some weddings just scream alcohol. (why I avoid the ones in the basements of Baptist churches)
Weddings are a quagmire of social gaffes waiting to happen - say the wrong thing to a maiden aunt at a wedding and it will never, never be forgotten.
We end up inviting people just on the basis of we were invited to theirs - people we would usually never bother with.
If marriage is an institution does this mean that anyone who enters is therefore insane?
Dr. Jay SW - this was great to read. Sarah and Jason are lucky to have you write for them. The photograph is amazing. My wife's grandparents were married for seventy-five years - and I don't think he ever knew where the kitchen was nor how his clothes got clean. That must have been some awesome looking apple that Eve ate - wonder if it tasted as good as the Southern Comfort / Fundamentalist Christian punch you drank. I know that the hangover from eating that apple has been a real bitch. Thanks for starting my day with a smile.
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