...was sitting a couple mornings ago...doin’ that daily meditation thing...been pretty good about keeping that up these past three months or so....anyway, the landlady’s cat, Zeke, started meowing like crazy on the stairs just below my door...telling me he wanted to go out...but I couldn’t help him...not at that moment...because I’d just started...had nearly half an hour to go...and I’m trying to be somewhat disciplined about this...so, I kept sitting there...for a minute or so...then two...and the cat kept it up, too...until, suddenly, it occurred to me...
I’m using meditation as an excuse to be less
compassionate...and I got up, opened the door, went downstairs, and let the cat outside...
isn't it amazing when those little insights bite our ass?
Good lesson, huh?
I guess you could call it Dr. Jay's Hierarchy of Deeds.
Like the picture, too.
Bob Weisenberg
Good go, drjay. My first thought was, of course it's perfectly OK to stop and let the kitty out...then again, ignoring kitty would be a testament to your fortitude. However, compassion rules, me thinks--allowing Zeke to "suffer" may have canceled any benefits you would have derived from a completed session anyway. Sorry, I ramble...
word verification: purambl
I was thinking what you'd realized before I got there. ;)
Ooh, nice one. This is a meditation reading in itself.
(Willow thanks you for helping Zeke...they don't have thumbs.)
Cats know though, don't they? I have a relaxation CD and you can guarantee the second i lay down and put it on i have one cat sat on my chest and another on my head
I don't get it. Why does movement in the body destroy the meditative state?
;-) wisdom...and compassion
The cat probably doesn't even know that it taught you a lesson. Cats are rather aloof. :)
Did you go back to your practice, after you let the cat out?
Brooks: yup.
Thanks for all the comments, folks...
Cats MUST be obeyed or the universe stays out of kilter for a very long time ...
Cats were the orignal yoga masters....
Glad you did a good deed for that purr ball. just found your blog and love it. My cat is my best friend and keeps me saner than prozac.
strange, i am working on a piece about Faulkner's Sound and Fury- for my blog and I find you today. I guess the universe is being kind to me, and kitty shall have some kitty tuna to celebrate.
What a lovely lesson. My pets and kids taught me to be humble. When their needs are met - my soul is at peace.
At least the thought occurred to you! Some people never put the puzzle pieces together.
dear Dr. Jay, this is brilliant indeed, so many times we cancel the world in order to rescue it, glad you surrender to the call of compassion, your meditation we in the shape of meowing this time & you nicely followed it, grrrreat, the universe was purring for you :D
i am subscribed to these little daily meditations, i added them to my iGoogle page so every day, i read one, specially when i am feeling stressed at work, or any time while behind my computer...
salutes from California
my cats send a reverence to your passionate soul ;)
simply brilliant (and reminds me that I miss my kitty). Cheers!
hi again Dr. Jay
i came back for more ;)
after reading your post i remembered this photo I took of my cat, and this little story, here to share with you
when rituals hinder compassion, we become religious... and it's terribly dangerous!
wonderful insight you shared here...
and think the cat's meditation was more powerful and concentrated...
I remember a story where someone is meditating in a doorless room. A cat comes in and curls up in the guy's lap. He gets up to let it out. The cat again comes in and curls up in his lap. Again, he lets it out. The scene repeats itself a couple more time, the guy's frustration growing. He finally says, "F' it!" and allows the cat to sleep in his lap. Thirty seconds later, the cat gets up and walks out.
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