...so...as has been reflected here...I’ve been doing a lot of yoga...and a lot of meditation...and reading a lot about mindfulness...and have been writing about it...which might, in the eyes of some, make me a really spiritual dude...
...anyway, tonight, I went out and got really, really trashed...obnoxiously so, in fact...which, to some, might seem a bit of a contradiction...in fact, I’ve been known to see things that way, myself...walk the walk if you’re gonna talk the talk, as they say...
...truth be told, though, I really never meant to indicate that I’m into into any of this yoga or meditation or mindfulness shit because I’m any more spiritual or peaceful than anyone else....to the contrary it’s because I’m just as...if not more...fucked up as you are...
...and ultimately, this is the only kind of spirituality I have any interest in...the kind that says we’re all struggling...you, me, and the Dalai Lama...and we’re all trying, and we’re all worthy of compassion even as we fuck up...and no matter how many times we fuck up...and that, ultimately, that’s what that namaste thing people say at the end of yoga classes means...in addition to indicating that you can roll up your mat and go home...that we’re all worthy...that anybody’s as holy or sacred as anybody else...no matter what...no exceptions...whatever we believe in...or don’t...and however we might behave at any given time...
...and, with that, namaste to all...
*thanks to my blogger artist friend Ed T. gave me permission to use that Buddha image up there a long time ago*
Exactly. That's why I got out of paganism, really. Too many people giving their power away (or taking it too willingly from others.) Thou art god, or some such. ;)
Amen to that!
yep- we are all worthy. i have a hard time trusting writers and yogis who seem to walk around in a haze of weird spiritual zen- i'm pretty sure they poo just like us...
Never was one to confuse spirituality with any thing other than spirituality. If I were of a mind to get fucked up I would simply get fucked up. How is it relevant to my spiritual being?
Yeah, I had to think about this one. So it fits that the day after over-eating, having a glass of wine, and going to bed early, that I can still find myself loveable if I am really walking my talk. Not always easy... I want things the way I thing they should be rather than as they are sometimes.
I don't even say namaste at the end of my classes...."namaste" or "namaskaram" is Hindi for "hello". why would I want to say hello at the END of my yoga class?!?
I LOVE this. Thank you for writing it - it is refreshing, honest and makes me want to try to be a better person myself, even tho I am never gonna "get there".
I just feel like taking you by the shoulders, giving you a big smooch on the cheek, and jumping up and down saying "yes" and "hurrah".
How freaking true! I love the way you put this.
Beautiful! I know that I was drawn to this yoga stuff because I'm inherently aware of how fucked up I am. And yoga helps me work through this, reminds me that it's all a process and that I am a work in progress...
"this precious human body... this sack of shit..." good post, great image. thanks.
Just you like your last post "the line between us is so thin I might as well be you". Human nature humbles us and keeps our feet on the ground. People preaching from pedestals, just not natural.
and this is one the most truthful and spiritual things i've read recently...
yes... we are all trying... and when we become conscious of it, we get spiritual...
a while ago i wrote on a friend's blog that:
spirituality comes from critical thinking... it's a CONSCIOUS journey taken by self... it's a long and difficult path... but so rewarding and satisfying as it brings peace to self and others...
and i love it when you all the time create a balance in the reader's mind through your profound humor... you both give him wings to fly and at same time help him walk on the earth:
"and we’re all worthy of compassion even as we fuck up...and no matter how many times we fuck up...and that, ultimately, that’s what that namaste thing people say at the end of yoga classes means...in addition to indicating that you can roll up your mat and go home..."
Haven't been inside a church for decades (except a couple of years ago when I had a priest give the Blessing of the Animals to my dying cat), but if I was dragged inside some chapel and what you wrote here was what was being said? I'd take back all the bad things I've said about religion. But I realize that I'd never hear these kinds of expressions in a church, so my opinions are unchanged. :)
indeed - we seem to live in a world increasingly dedicated to the Cult Of ME ME ME! so it's probably best to remember that we're just as twisted as the next person
But at least you try to improve yourself my friend, which is more than many can say
Moderation word is Ratio - should i take some deeper meaning from this? Hmmm
That's a fulfilling type of spirituality to have, Jay. When I was on my "Huge Spiritual Quest" about 2 years into my recovery, one of the 'religions' I studied was the Native American religion--and honestly, that religion made the most sense to me of any of them--because the Native Americans worshiped things that were meaningful to life as I know it--and I see that yoga and/or meditation also falls under that type of spirituality. It makes complete sense to me.
Take care,
I may have missed your point here, drjay, but I never thought you were tryin' to pass yourself off as anything other than a sometimes-angst-ridden being tryin' to help himself, and possibly others, through some spiritual like practices.
And, me thinks you are a really spiritual dude...!
thank god I'm not the only one. Or maybe I'm just trying to find an excuse for getting drunk at the winery the other week.
Realizing this IS what makes you spiritual. :)
As a Zen Master said : I am allergic to the word Buddha. Every time I'm forced to utter the word Buddha I have to go to the river and rinse my mouth three times. (Buddha Mind, Buddha body by Thich Nhat Hanh)
It's ost important to be true than too spiritual.
Great timing. I was about to throttle a loved one. Now maybe I'll just hollar "Namaste!" and be done with it.
I'll raise a glass to that... ahh, I have a lot to catch up on here.
I believe there is one exception to the notion you put forth here..
though I embrace your literary stylings and thoughts...very nicely said.
The one exception is astronauts,
astronauts that have stepped on the moon to be precise, they are holy
I'm pretty sure of that..but don't quote me..
Perfection! Cheers and Namaste!
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