...was just reading about a kid marrying a dog in India...apparently to prevent him from being eaten by wild animals...and, not long ago, read about an Indian woman being married to a snake, which was apparently seen as a god (google it yerself, dammit)...don’t worry, I’m not bringing this stuff up to make fun of a foreign culture I don’t understand...nor am I gonna bend over backwards to defend it, as yoga types are wont to do with anything involving the oh-so spiritual nation of Indyaaaah...
...I do find it a bit ironic, though...as oh-so spiritual American politicians argue that, if gays and lesbians are allowed to marry, next thing you know people will be tying the knot with their pets...that it is, in fact, in a country where homosexuality is illegal that people are marrying dogs and snakes...
Cocaine is God's way of telling you you are making too much money.
Robin Williams
...the world’s most expensive coffee is called Kopi Luwak...it’s made of beans eaten by a creature known as the palm civet and then excreted by it...the stuff sells for up to $600 lb....
...another sign you’ve got too much money: you pay high prices to drink coffee made from beans that have passed through a jungle rodent's asshole....
All generalisations are false, including this one.
Mark Twain
That coffee thing is disgusting. I can't believe people pay so much for rodent feces. I wonder if I can sell my cat feces...
Talking about too much money...have you seen the most expensive bottled water?
What a world, this Earth. I tell ya!
I am with Kim on this one. Slightly Used Kit-Kat Bars, Extra Crunchy with Breath Freshners--Cheap!
Lol! 'tis a strange world we live in for sure, for sure!
Eww, coffee dung!
but what if you have to cough up 15000 dinar's to give your new goat wife and you don't have it?
did you hear the one about the sudanese man ordered to marry a goat by tribal elders after being caught ....well...you know...
talk about a partner with a stubborn streak..
Jay--I saw that thread about the coffee on the BC forum--yuck--and it just goes to show, there are people out there who will buy ANYTHING. Of course, you can also see plenty of examples of this on eBay too!
I'd forgotten that Robin Williamas line about cocaine--so thank you for reminding me of it. I was snorting some coke with one guy who told me that the only way you should ever do cocaine is if you always had a hundred dollar bill to snort it through. Of course, today, I know that is a load of hooey.
I wonder if the guy who sells this coffee is laughing hysterically at the fact that there are actual idiots out there who buy this stuff? I wouldn't be surprised!
LOL!!! Very clever writing. Can't stop smiling.
Yep, the world is a very strange place. Full of outrageously strange happenings. And this is the least of such things!
I heard about that coffee last year - there's somewhere in northern Australia that sells it.
Apparently the coffee bean gets 'fermented' or something... by passing through that lil creature. Here's an article about it where the writer says it aint all that was promised anyways...
fabulous thoughts...
all your posts give me a pause...
am i making a generalization?
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