...blending blue and red...blood and the sea...rage and contemplation...celebration and melancholia... red-faced embarrassment and boundless sky...purple nurple...owww...
...prime color of psychedelia...even as all colors swirl together...Owsley Purple...Purple Haze...Jimi Hendrix himself seems to me to be purple...maybe that’s how he managed to cross the musical color barrier...he was more purple than anything...lately, I’ve been meeting up with old psychedelic friends...now all invested in purple yoga mats...
...Obama talked about a purple America during the campaign...not sure how well that’s working out, now...purple, of course is the color of royalty...nobility...people you're supposed to call your majesty or your holiness...as if kings and emperors could be any more majestic than convicts and elevator operators...popes and lamas any more holy than prostitutes and laborers...purple should always be for everybody...
Not my fave, but I do like it. We all live in a Purple submarine, a purple submarine ... yeah, it could work!
I used to have this awesome purple t-shirt, that I would wear a lot because my ex used to tell me I looked good in purple so much for that. I prefer blues and reds but my fav colors are yellow and orange. i don't know what that says about me but I guess this is who I am. I love your blog and I love this post.
Take Care
Yum yum yum! How about blackcurrants eaten straight off the bush, surely the ultimate in purple deliciousness? Blackberries are good too but blackcurrants...it's like eating the pure colour.
Purple comes in so many different shades though and I prefer the full blooded plums, clarets, wines, royal purples verging on indigo. Lilacs are only really good on the tree - or on water during sunset.
Purple is the color of the Crown Chakra, and that is your metaphysical connection to Divinity. Originally Royalty and such, were people who were descended from Gods, and their *crown was the physical reminder of their enlarged *Crown--as in who they are connected to, the ultimate version of, "My Dad Owns a Car Dealership--Dude."
Its also the melding of Male and Female primal energies, hence it's use as representative of the Gay Community. And the color of twilight when the sky turns that electric indigo with lavender clouds.
Purple is the desire or the achievement of balance, riding Roman--its representation of that psychedelic experience, wherein the Psychonaut has one foot in this world and one in some other inner-world. Purple is the bridge, the veil where those two modalities meet.
very thoughtful. interesting.
Jay (lol), while I was reading along, I was wondering when you were going to mention Jimi Hendrix and Purple Haze. When I first saw your writing prompt for today, that was the first thing that came to my mind.
Obama's purple America--I always thought that was a bit strange. But I don't see a 'red' or 'blue' or 'purple' America and I am not sure that's how any of us should look at it. I like the idea of a tapestry America--a patchwork of fabric woven from the unique experiences and cultures of each person. In some ways, I think we try to force a blending of ideas too much--perhaps it is better to recognize each as a valid contribution rather than blurring the lines to make everything more acceptable to everyone.
I think I might actually try doing some of these writing prompts. It can allow you to think about things that you might not normally consider.
Start wearing purple, wearing purple.
When I see someone wearing purple it makes me happy! I also enjoy wearing purple. Purple foods are also wonderful. A purple sky is beyond the realm of words-so good. Purple makeup can be cool. Purple nail polish-yes! Mystical, magical, royal, lush, delish... Purple, you open my heart to realms I could not know otherwise.
Hi drjay,
"Purple shirts in numerous styles"...really? Hmmm, now I'm imagining you in a large purple print with a big collar, you know, 70s style.
I'm really not a purple person (thank goodness cause there is such a thing as a purple people eater, ya know), but I do love shades of purple, lilac especially. And I like your references to Hendrix and wild mountain thyme---some of my favorites. Again the food thing, purple reminds me of grape popsicles and blackberries. And now shirts in numerous styles. :o)
I now need to read backwards ... I missed your green and orange posts...
Well you got me hooked with the "purple" pic of Andy W. Made me think of Nico,Chelsea girls, Lou Reed, velvet underground and an interesting era indeed. I've got old Nico albums from mid 60's to late 70's..even the last one after she died.
Purple chakra middle forehead between eyes..third eye?..purple fusion, purple passionate flower..from a poem I wrote..red and blue states come together as "one" with the color purple as you stated Obama mentioned.
Purple is deep it's intense, it's deep and dark and yet makes me feel so good.
Yes, I think I love purple!
Thanks for saving the best for the last color post..
My two favourite colours (visually) are deep garnet red and purple of all colours. I know they don't quite go together, but I do have a lot of both red and purple things. Clothes (many purple and red things), blankets (nice big purple one), cushions, furnishings, jewellery etc...
I do have one purple yoga mat, and an organge one, too.
Ooh yeah, and blueberries and rasberries too, mmm!!
I have a thing for sunsets (think I've mentioned them here in a couple of comments) and when they are so intense there's purple in them, yeah, love that!
you forgot Purple Rain :)
if I'd read this one first ida saved all the drug references for this one.... ;^)
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