This is the hundred and eighth Yoga for Cynics post...108 is an important number in the Yogasphere...for some reason...I could google it, yes, but wouldn’t that just take the fun out of everything?...I mean, what if I googled “meaning of life” and then, scrolling beneath the IMDB, Wikipedia, and Amazon entries for the Monty Python movie of that name, found out exactly what it is? Wouldn’t that just ruin the whole “quest for truth” concept—particularly the part about the journey being more important than the destination? But I digress...
Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.
Monty Python, The Meaning of Life
...as previously mentioned, the inspiration for this blog came from a yoga and writing retreat I attended in Mexico...where I’ll be again in less than a month...woo-hoo!...and where we did approximately 108 sun salutations on the last day...and I consider writing this blog to be part of my yoga practice...regardless of whether that makes sense to anybody else...so, in that sense, this right here is Yoga for Cynics’ 108th sun salutation...the conclusion of the first big cycle...woo-hoo!
Look around again
It's the same old story
You see, it's got to be
It says right here on page 43...
David Crosby
...today’s also my forty-third birthday...to get really whiftily metaphorical about it, the turning of the 43rd page in my life...god...I promise never to get so whiftily metaphorical again....I don’t understand what that David Crosby song’s about, anyway...but, that’s probably fitting...every year is another big step into the unknown...and that’s probably a good thing...one thing I’m sure of: we’re not here to be bored...
David Crosby
...today’s also my forty-third birthday...to get really whiftily metaphorical about it, the turning of the 43rd page in my life...god...I promise never to get so whiftily metaphorical again....I don’t understand what that David Crosby song’s about, anyway...but, that’s probably fitting...every year is another big step into the unknown...and that’s probably a good thing...one thing I’m sure of: we’re not here to be bored...
OK so I wished you HB on an earlier post...that's OK...you are reminded to stay in Beginner's Mind even if you are packing on the years! I've got a decade more than you...so I have to work even harder at beginner's mind....hehe
About the blog being a part of your yoga practice - couldn't have said it better meself....my blog is DEFINITELY an extension of my yoga and meditation, sometimes inspired by them, sometimes inspiring them.
As my teacher says: it all becomes one luminous weave...yoga, life, breath...
Hope you are ENJOYING the day in ways that are very meaningful, nourishing, and satisfying for YOU.
Well happy birthday and sun salutations and best of for the next cycle of yoganess. Whatever, may it all be joyful.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
i left a comment earlier. let me know if it didn't post!
I had a feeling that my birthday wishes a few hours ago didn't get across the country.....
Happy Birthday, Dr. Jay (and happy birthday to George, who now is yoga). I have no idea about the meaning of #108, but I know that if we're not here to be bored it's a good thing you started yoga-blogging. Never a boring moment here and I love that. Thanks for all this richness.
Your birthday is the same as my blog anniversary......so next year I should have no trouble remembering your 44th. :)
Happy birthday, dude -- The posting as part of yoga really does make sense. Salud!
Happy 108th Sun Salutation and a very Happy 43rd Birthday. I hope you have a great day and week and year. Remember the forties are the new thirties ... which means that my fifties are now the new forties ... thats fair!
Happy Birthday Dr Jay!! May you cycle on for many more :)
Lucy and I tweeted you a happy birthday, but no harm in saying it again...hope it is all yoga-like and peaceful! And a happy 108th sun salutation too.
Cripes, just noticed that your birthday was yesterday. So I guess a happy belated birthday wish is in order...aaargh!
Feliz Cumpleaños
glad you went to México to salute the sun, to where in México are you heading back?
your blog rocks!! maybe 'cause I practice yoga too, or 'cause I am a cynic myself, mostly 'cause of both
glad I came across here!
How weird is it that your blog is the last place I wish you a happy birthday?
Then, I started celebrating on your behalf a day before it was your birthday in your timezone, coz it was already your birthday here where I am...
Anyway, its soooo significant that your birthday and your 108th post (especially since your blog is sooo much about yoga!!) co-incide. Oh stop it, I'm teasing!
It is a good thing, and definitely part of your yoga practice and stuff, and its very exciting you've passed the 108 mark now.
A new blog cycle, a new cycle of your life as the sun returns (roughly) to the same part of the sky it was in 43 years ago...
In honour of your birthday, I echo your marvellous statement: Woo-hoo!!
Dear Jay,
Happy Birthday! I will refrain from singing as I did on your facebook wall (although truth be told, I have a lovely voice--it was never quite crude enough for punk rock!).
Congrats also on your 108th post. You know, I can understand why you would consider writing your blog to be part of your yoga practice because I feel the same way about Melindaville. What started out being a way to write about writing my memoir has actually become a therapeutic part of my journey. So good on ya, then! <--that last was my attempt at an Australian brogue for any Aussie's that might be popping by).
Oh, and one more thing we have in common! Monty Python! I still think we might have met someplace in San Francisco--although it is true that you'd probably not easily forget me. :D
In any case, I'm glad I know you now! :)
Take care, Jay--
Happy belated hatch day & many, many more! Enjoy 108 beers (to balance out the sun salutations. Yeah, yeah...that's the ticket! ;)
108 is a great number. Even if it weren't, ya know, sacred and all, it appeals deeply to the mathematician in me. Lovely number.
Happy 43rd. Keep on truckin...
Nothing has ever so succinctly summarised my cosmology as The Meaning Of Life...absolutely brilliant..cause there's bugger all down here on Earth is right!
Happy Birthday. 43 eh? I never had time to think about what 51 would be like but it is fabulous...ah those numbers are quite meaningless..unless you are an actuarial.
Happy 108 and Happy B-day!
I had a big smile on my face while reading your blog tonight. I love that you can laugh and write and generally enjoy life. I am a yoga newbie (only about a year) and sometimes, all the new age talk makes me giggle. I am glad I came by your blog and will return!
Well a belated Happy Birthday to you. hope you had a good one, I really enjoyed Mexico, perhaps I will get back there one day! But, it is such a long way...
last year when i turned 43, my world started to change dramatically... in a good sense...
inside out...
wish your 43rd page be written all by yourself... in gold...
Happy birthday!
happy 108!
many happy returns...
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